At Wimpole Digital Limited we have very ambitious plans for growth which will require investment in the first 3 years.

Products have been built and being rolled out to the UK healthcare sector in 2020 and a strong foundation and infrastructure to allow us to scale on a global scale.

We have a experienced and competent management team who have worked together for over 10 years on numerous successful projects.

Our goal is within 5 years to have 100,000 members globally, this will be driven by given members a stake in C2C Network to create a true and real partnership between Wimpole Digital and them.

“Together lets build a true partnership, with shared ownership, independent & not reliant on the internet giants or medical device manufacturers harvesting your data.”

We have opportunities now for large investors and details of the scheme we plan for members to participate in and register their interest now.

Large investors – contact us for more details…. 

Contact us

c2C Members - pioneer investment programme

Our strategy is underpinned by a commitment to partnership and participation with members with no outside pressure or influence on members data being compromised or becoming part of some complex digital ecosystem where control is easily lost.

This is why we plan to make C2C Network a public company when finances allow.With at least 25% made available to C2C Members!!!!

Prices will be reasonable to ensure maximum participation and available to;

  • Doctors
  • Healthcare Professionals
  • Medical Students

If already a C2C Member then you can ‘register’ your interest in the Pioneer Investment Programme’. You can either click here or select ‘Investors’ section when you next login into your C2C account.



If you are not yet a member and do not know anyone who can invite you – membership is possible by contacting our verification team of independent consultants.

To learn more about membership benefits take a few minutes to browse this website.